When it’s time for you to talk about finances in your relationship, it’s time! Some of us dread it, and others can’t wait to mention it. Whether you want to play coy or get down to the nitty-gritty, talking finances can be uncomfortable but it is certainly a must.
So, you want to start traveling together or make the big leap and move in with one another? It’s important to make sure you both are crystal clear about who’s paying for what. Have no clue where to start? Here are some kick-off questions to ask to work out a financial plan with your partner:
- How open do you want to be about our personal finances?
- Do you want to split rent and utilities 50/50?
- Who will be responsible for paying the bills and managing the finances?
- Do you want to have a joint account, or will different bills come out of our accounts separately?
- Do you want to start joint savings too?
- Will we still keep separate personal accounts beyond our joint account?
- How much will we contribute monthly to our accounts together?
- Will we make sure to talk to each other first before all major purchases or withdrawals?
- What is the max amount each of us can take out before having to notify each other?
- When we travel, will we go 50/50 on everything or will it come out of a joint account?
- Will we both contribute equally to other expenses like furniture, home repairs, maintenance, or cleaning services?
- How do you want to pay for food? (in and out of the home?)
- On date nights and for activities, who will pay? Do you prefer to switch-off?
- Who gets to keep the living space in the event of a breakup? Or is it fair for us both to move out?
I know it might seem a tad bit overkill with the 21 questions, but you have to make sure you have all of your financial details figured out ahead of time. Finances are one of the biggest reasons couples (both married and otherwise) break up, so tackling it before it becomes a problem can help you both save time and money.
Featured on BlackDoctor
by Tia Muhammad